Stacks are what list items and folders turn into when pulled into the Dock of OS X. There are several views for Stacks, like a grid, or a fan, or a list in modern OS X versions. But with a little secret defaults string, a list view can be enabled in prior releases of OS X too.
Here’s how to enable the secret Stacks list view for Dock stacks in OS X, which is now my new favorite way to use Stacks.
To get started, launch the Terminal app and type the following commands, first use the following defaults string:
defaults write use-new-list-stack -bool YES
Hit return, and next you need to restart the Dock process by killing it from the terminal as well:
killall Dock
Now when you right-click (control-click) a Stacks icon in the Dock, you’ll see “List” as an option. Try it out, it’s pretty great!
The Mac Dock Stacks are nice but it has long needed a scrollable list view option, how neat is it that OS X actually has exactly that, it’s just hidden!?
If you want to disable the new list style and revert to the old one, type the following:
defaults write use-new-list-stack -bool NO;killall Dock
This works in many versions of OS X, give it a whirl and see how you like it.
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