Did you know iTunes can find missing Album Artwork for you? If you have ripped your own CD’s or downloaded music from around the web, it’s not uncommon for songs to be missing album art.
But worry not, you can spruce up the appearance of your iTunes music collection by using an excellent feature that retrieves album art automatically. It’s quite simple and works the same in iTunes on Mac and Windows. Read on to discover how to get album art to fill in your iTunes music collection.
Note you must have an active internet connection for this trick to work, because iTunes downloads the album art from remote servers (presumably from Apple).
How to get missing Album Cover Artwork in iTunes
iTunes will download all the album art it can, completely free. This works in Mac OS X and Windows versions of iTunes.
- Launch iTunes
- Pull down the “Advanced” menu
- Select “Get Album Artwork”
iTunes will now download the art and automatically update your music. Let iTunes do it’s thing, you’ll see a progress bar and the amount of artwork that needs to be downloaded. This may take a while if you have a lot of missing album art (like the screenshot below):
Filling in missing album art is one of the easiest ways to make iTunes more attractive, especially in album cover view or when you bring music to your iPod or iPhone.
Compare the top picture, where missing art has been filled in, with this one:
Which would you rather look at?
This tip is especially cool to combine with the iTunes Album Art Mini-Player, which is built into iTunes 10 and sits on your desktop.
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