By default, WhatsApp will show a ‘Last Seen’ status of contacts, which lets you know when the user was last using WhatsApp. The latest versions of WhatsApp allow you to selectively hide the Last Seen status from specific people or contacts.
Previously, hide Last Seen and hide online status but the setting was broadly oriented, so that you either could turn the Last Seen status off for everyone, your contacts, or for nobody. Now you can be much more selective in who you don’t want seeing your status.
How to Hide Last Seen Status from Specific Contacts on WhatsApp
- Open the WhatsApp app if you haven’t done so already, then tap on the Settings button which looks like a gear at the bottom right corner
- Tap on “Account”
- Tap on “Privacy”
- Tap on “Last Seen”
- Choose “My Contacts Except…”
- Select the people/contacts you want to hide from seeing your Last Seen status
- Tap on “Done” when finished
Now those specific contacts you chose will no longer be able to see when you’re using WhatsApp, or when you last used WhatsApp. Kind of nice for some added privacy, right?
Don’t want your ex to know when you’re using WhatsApp? This is the setting for you. Don’t want a coworker or boss to know you’re chatting at work? This setting can prevent that. Don’t want a romantic interest to know you’re on WhatsApp all the time? There you go. You get the idea.
You can still choose to block everyone from seeing your Last Seen status of course too, that’s up to you, but more options are always a good thing, right?