Telegram for the longest time has been one of the best messenger tools out there, but with only 400 million monthly users, the tool is lagging behind WhatsApp which has around 1.5 billion monthly users. Now, in the eyes of many, Telegram is superior, but unfortunately, it did not support making video calls.

Folks using WhatsApp had this feature for multiple years now, but it’s not perfect. You see, in order to make video calls or regular calls from WhatsApp, the user is required to do so from their smartphone or tablet.

WhatsApp Web is limited in features because it only allows for sending and receiving messages. It will also notify the user about incoming calls, and that’s nice. However, many of us would have loved for WhatsApp to release a feature to make calls on Windows 10.

Make a audio or video call using Telegram

If you are unable to wait, then maybe its time to give Telegram a serious look. It is capable of making calls and video calls via its Windows 10 app. The video call feature was recently released, so for those who are not sure how it works, were going to open your eyes because it is super easy.

Make a video call using Telegram

OK, so to make a regular call on Telegram, the option to do so is right before your eyes.

Simply open the app on your computer, choose who you want to contact, then click on the phone icon located at the top-right section of the chat window.

Right away it should initiate a call, so wait for the next party to answer while it rings.

When it comes down to making a video call, you shouldn’t be looking for a video call button similar to WhatsApp or Skype from the outset. The user is required to first click on the phone icon to initiate a call. When the other party has finally answered, please ask them if they want to switch to video call, then click on the Start Video button.

See? It’s super easy, therefore, anyone can do it.

Read more: Telegram app Tips and Tricks.


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