Often overlooked, the Terminal can be used to accomplish all sorts of fun stuff. Something that you may find handy, is the ability to Tweet using built in Mac OS X command line utilities like curl. Yes, curl! Now of course this is not a full featured Twitter client by any means, but if you are looking for potential geek “cred” this is a fun trick to demonstrate.
Copy and paste the entire text in the grey boxes. When you paste it in your Terminal.app, it will show up as one single line.
Show a List of Tweets from Any Twitter User with curl
To display a list of tweets (replace osxdaily with a twitter username of your choice):
curl -s http://twitter.com/osxdaily | grep '' | cut -d">" -f2 | cut -d"
Post an Update to Twitter with curl
And to post an update to your twitter status:
curl -u your_user:your_password -d status='This is My update' https://twitter.com/statuses/update.xml
Be sure to replace “your_user:your_password” with your user name and password. If you don’t want the password to show up in your command history, put a space before curl for bash, or clear out your history if you’re using zsh or fish or another shell.
That’s it! Imagine all of the fun automation possibilities !
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