Twitter-iconTwitter-icon Often overlooked, the Terminal can be used to accomplish all sorts of fun stuff. Something that you may find handy, is the ability to Tweet using built in Mac OS X command line utilities like curl. Yes, curl! Now of course this is not a full featured Twitter client by any means, but if you are looking for potential geek “cred” this is a fun trick to demonstrate.

Copy and paste the entire text in the grey boxes. When you paste it in your, it will show up as one single line.

Show a List of Tweets from Any Twitter User with curl

To display a list of tweets (replace osxdaily with a twitter username of your choice):

curl -s | grep '' | cut -d">" -f2 | cut -d"

Post an Update to Twitter with curl

And to post an update to your twitter status:

curl -u your_user:your_password -d status='This is My update'

Be sure to replace “your_user:your_password” with your user name and password. If you don’t want the password to show up in your command history, put a space before curl for bash, or clear out your history if you’re using zsh or fish or another shell.

Terminal funTerminal fun

That’s it! Imagine all of the fun automation possibilities !


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