A few days back we had reported about an amusing story, where a Canadian firm AptiQuant had carried out an online survey and reached the conclusion that Internet Explorer users are the dumbest; Opera users, the smartest.

It now appears that the study was bogus and the firm which carried out the survey was new. Even the company’s website was only recently set up and staff images which were displayed there were ripped off from a legitimate  business website owned by a Paris-based company Central Test.

Said David Spiegelhalter of Cambridge University’s Statistical Laboratory:

I believe these figures are implausibly low – and an insult to IE users. It’s obviously very easy to create a bogus site like this – as all phishers know it’s easy to rip-off someone else’s webpages and pictures, BBC reports.

BBC did try to contact the company, but no-one on ApTiquant’s  number was available for comment. It is unclear who was behind the stunt.


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