A word processor is a program that offers rich text formatting. There are many free Word Processor software for Windows, and today we are talking about Jarte. It’s a small, portable, touch-enabled word processor whose documents are fully compatible with Word and WordPad – and is based on the Microsoft WordPad word processing engine.

Jarte Word Processor

Jarte free Word Processor for Windows

Windows offers “WordPad” as the default rich editor. It works, but then it’s limited. I am sure there are many processors available, but what makes Jarte interesting is that it is based on the same engine that WordPad uses.  It is fast, portable, and offers more features compared to the in-house version.

Jarte: Free portable Word Processor

There are tons of functionality, and the list is enormous. So let’s take a look at some of the essential elements which make it stand out.

  1. It’s fast, compact, and can be run as a portable word processor.
  2. Tabbed interface that lets you switch between multiple documents.
  3. It supports touch screen, including finger swipe scrolling.
  4. Create templates for printing
  5. Single click bookmarking and bookmark navigation
  6. Quick Clips option provides an easy copy, cut and paste capability using the mouse scroll wheel button
  7. Font typeface selection.
  8. Clip List allows you to display and reuse the 25 most recent clipboard clips
  9. Screen capture tool
  10. Special Characters Keyboard lets you perform single click insertion of any character. You can including the extended characters not available on your keyboard
  11. Reference Bar is useful for editors who want to use an online dictionary, thesaurus, and encyclopedia instantly
  12. Integration with WordWeb dictionary and thesaurus if it is available on the computer.
  13. Document word count tool
  14. Search for files on your computer with direct access to the system file search tool.

What makes Jarte unique is the tools section. Right from the clip list to the option to search files on your computer makes it incredibly useful.

Last but not least, Jarte comes with a screen reader mode. The blind community will be able to use it to hear the document. When Jarte detects the presence of a running screen reader program, it starts in screen reader mode. It is integrated so well that its spell-check feature can audibly spell out spelling mistakes and offer suggestions.

Jarte is available both as a standard program and as a portable installer. If you carry a lot of programs on a USB device, select the later, else install the standard program so you can keep it updated. Download it from here.

Jarte Word Processor
