It is very important to track all the drives/directories on your PC for smooth functioning. While there are many free disk space analyzer software available that let you check all your PC drives and their files and folders, JDiskReport is different. It requires Java to work! In this post, we will talk about this Java-based tool that helps you check the details like size, free space available, capacity, etc., of all your PC directories.

JDiskReport is Java-based

JDiskReport is a Java-based free disk analyzer that helps you keep a check on the drives of your PC. What differentiates it from other such programs is that it uses five different perspectives to show you how your disks run out of space. Available for almost every platform, including Windows, Linux and Mac. JDiskReport recommends that you have Java 7 or later installed on your system.

Read: Staying safe on the Internet with Java; or being safer without it.

It is a very simple and lightweight tool that takes less than a minute to land on your PC. Just download the setup file and install it on your PC. Once launched, the main overview shows you two tabs, namely – Scan file tree and Open Scan.

Run the scan, and the tool scans your selected directories on the disk drive. The scanning may take time, according to the size of the selected drive. JDiskReport

The tool displays the report in two-column, where in one column shows the folders of the selected directory, and the other column shows the detailed report of what’s using your storage space. You can view the report as a list, as a bar graph, or as a pie chart.

There is a small menu ribbon on the result page which has the tabs -Size, Top 50, Size Dist, Modified, and Type. The Size tab shows the size of the selected drive, Top 50 tab shows the files occupying the maximum space. Size Dist shows how much of your storage space is occupied by files of a certain size. For example, you will know how many files are of size 1GB-4GB, or 4GB-16 GB or how many of them are more than 16 GB etc. So, basically, you know the largest and smallest sizes of files stored on the specific drive.

The Modified tab shows how often you are modifying your files. So, now you know how many files you haven’t changed in the last many years. However, you get to know the figures and won’t really be able to check the files and folders which you haven’t modified for long.

Then comes the Types tab which shows the file type or the format of files occupying the storage space. So, you know how much of space is occupied by your movies, your music files, image files, etc.

So, overall, JDiskReport is a nice tool to keep track of all your PC directories and drives. I wish it had a feature to view or delete the files from the program itself. Before you download the tool, make sure you have Java installed on your PC or else it won’t work. Download it here and see how you like it.


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