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Ever closed a browser tab in Firefox and wished you hadn’t done so? A simple keystroke can retrieve that closed browser tab!

I can’t count the number of times I have been closing windows or tabs and have accidentally a tab that I wanted kept open.

In the past, it has been annoying at best and disastrous at worst, but now I no longer have any issues… why you may ask?

Because I know a keyboard shortcut that is perhaps amongst the most useful in Firefox… Command-Shift-T .

Yes that’s all you need, the next time you accidentally close a tab and you want it back, simply hit Command-Shift-T and the tab will magically reappear again! Now that you know it, try to live without it.

Want more Firefox tips? Check out 15 must-know Firefox shortcuts and our Firefox tips archive!

Of course Firefox isn’t the only browser with this capability, some other browsers allow you to use the general UNDO shortcut of COMMAND Z to perform the same function. Try it out!


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