Here is a reason why Windows 10 users would have added security from malware. Microsoft has announced a new tool called as Antimalware Scan Interface (AMSI) for Windows 10 that allows application developers to further strengthen up the security of their application. With Antimalware Scan Interface, applications would be automatically integrated with the available antimalware program present on the PC, ensuring that no malware code escapes the check.

Intelligent Malware programs usually skip security scans and succeed in infecting PC’s, however, with AMSI coming for Windows 10 all content shall be sent for malware check to the locally installed antivirus software.

Antimalware Scan Interface

Antimalware Scan Interface (AMSI)

Lee Holmes, Principal Software Engineer at Microsoft, mentioned in a blog post,

“Microsoft is making that possible through the Antimalware Scan Interface (AMSI) – a generic interface standard that allows applications and services to integrate with any antimalware product present on a machine. AMSI is currently available through the Windows 10 Technical Preview, and will be fully available when Windows 10 debuts this summer”.

Most antivirus programs examine files which are opened by the user. However, if a malware code is hiding on the memory, it never gets detected. The new service, AMSI, has a calling structure that allows for file, memory or stream scanning, content source URL/IP reputation checks, and other security measures thereby ensuring that memory attacks are detected too.

It is not just the unobfuscation of scripts that Antimalware Scan Interface will handle; AMSI can also work with communication apps to scan instant messages for malware before they are displayed. AMSI would even scan plugins that are required to be installed for games, hence ensuring that no malware programs are routed during game installations.

Microsoft recommends AMSI for app developers who want to make requests to anti-malware products from within their apps” and “third-party creators of anti-malware products who want their products to offer the best features to apps.

Antimalware Scan Interface


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