Amid much speculation and criticism, it won’t be wrong to say that Windows 8 has bought in major improvements in the operating system’s platform, security enhancements and better support for touch screen devices. The new user interface of Windows 8 was received with mixed reactions and many criticized it for being confusing and difficult to adopt. Despite those reactions, Microsoft sold more than 60 million Windows 8 licenses through Jan 2013, a staggering sales number to say the least – and many were seen to be adopting this unique user interface.


But not many know that since its release in October 2012 Microsoft did not have the patent approval of the start screen design of Windows 8 which normally is unusual considering its importance. However, just two days back Microsoft finally got the patent approval for the Windows 8 UI ending a wait of more than 2 years, tweeted @kurtsh.

Windows 8 UI patent which was filed back in September 2011 was approved just 2 days back on January 28th 2014 for 14 years. If you go through the patent copy you will notice the front view of the display screen with graphical user interface showing the new design of Windows 8.

Certainly a good news for Microsoft, as it receives patent for Windows 8 UI. This will certainly stop misuse of the UI by imitators. Though it took more than 2 years for the patent to receive, it will now serve as the guard for the Windows 8 UI design.



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