The great outdoors is well known for its ability to inspire, but for executives at Microsoft they’ve been given opportunity to harness the power of the great outdoors due to a project from renowned Treehouse builder Pete Nelson of TV fame.
Treehouse meeting spaces
The company has had three treehouses built by the renowned builder as outside workspaces that allow creative thought and an escape from a more traditional office environment. But as is needed for one of the world’s biggest tech firms, the treehouses have power and WiFi connectivity to ensure that staff can remain productive while enjoying the great outdoors.
The use of the great outdoors is becoming ever more popular as tech firms especially, concentrate on the well-being of their employees. Science has proved time and again that being outside is good for people and opens up potential that was perhaps untapped previously. Physical benefits include gaining vital stores of vitamin d which science has touted for its ability to promote health and wellness. There is also a reduction in cortisol and other stress responses that help employees work at their peak.
As companies look to innovate, the use of more outdoor spaces is likely to rocket. Tech firms especially understand that enhancements in productivity and creativity are the lifeblood of their business and will do all that they can to promote the effect.
[wpcc-iframe title=”The Coolest Houses In The World” width=”728″ height=”410″ class=”ezlazyload” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share” allowfullscreen=”” srcdoc=”As it often has been in its history, Microsoft is leading the way as an early adopter of outdoor working spaces and are likely to reap the rewards for their ability to stay at the forefront of developing theories.
The benefit for Microsoft is that their Redmond campus is huge and able to accommodate building projects of this scale. It is only a matter of time before the rest of the tech world makes the jump and tries to keep up with Microsoft.
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