Microsoft is giving out 20 GB of additional SkyDrive storage space to all its Windows Phone users. Although it hasn’t been officially announced yet, a bunch of Windows Phone users (including me) have reportedly received the confirming emails. I’m attaching a screenshot of that email I received below.
Windows Phone extra 20GB
As mentioned in the email the users are required to apply for it on or before 31 January 2014. It’s holiday season, and this gift from Microsoft for its mobile operating system users, Windows Phone come as a very nice surprise. This additional 20 GB will add up to the other 7 GB you get when you sign up for SkyDrive. According to the email, users can use this additional storage for one year starting from the date of activation.

This isn’t the first time Microsoft has offered a token of thanks to its users, a few months back, Microsoft rolled out 3 GB free SkyDrive storage to the early adopters of its email service,

2013 was a fantastic year for Windows Phone. Not only did it expand its share in the mobile ecosystem, but also the entry level Nokia Lumia 520 gained a lot of appreciation worldwide and is still selling like hot cake. Just last week, Windows Phone announced that it has over 200,000 apps in its app store.

Reddeming 20 GB code on SkyDrive

Regarding this free 20 GB space, If you haven’t got that email just yet, don’t worry, a lot of my colleagues haven’t received it either. The special offer might take some time to roll out to all.


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