Legendary business gurus Jack and Suzy Welch provide expert business advice to Fortune 500 executives in an all-new online business show airing today at http://everybodysbusiness.msn.com. The premiere episode of the “It’s Everybody’s Business With Jack & Suzy Welch” show takes viewers behind closed conference room doors at Hertz Corporation to watch and interact as business executives tackle real business challenges.  

its everybodys business

“It’s Everybody’s Business with Jack & Suzy Welch” is part of an interactive Web site aimed at business and IT professionals that connects viewers with entertainment as well as business and technology solutions. It is sponsored by Microsoft Corp. as part of the company’s It’s Everybody’s Business campaign. Microsoft partnered with advertising agency JWT, production company Reveille and the Welches to create the series.

In the first episode, launched today, Welch tells a group of tense executives of Hertz Corp. that they are “bringing a water pistol to a gunfight” as the group grapples with the IT infrastructure supporting Hertz’ new Connect shared-vehicle service. New episodes are scheduled to run over the summer months.


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