The Apple Watch is the hottest smartwatch on the market right now, so it makes sense for Microsoft to jump on the bandwagon before it is too late. The company first supported the new device with OneDrive, and now it is doing so with PowerPoint.

Earlier today, Microsoft updated the PowerPoint app for the iPhone to allow Apple Watch owners to control PowerPoints directly from their wrists. It’s not the most asked for feature, but it is one of the most useful right now and there aren’t many useful apps on the Apple Watch at this point.

microsoft powerpoint ipohne

PowerPoint app for the iPhone

The only downside here is that Apple Watch owners can only control PowerPoint for the iPhone but not for the Mac or PC. We can’t see many folks wanting to control slides on the iPhones via their wrist, but we could see it working a lot better if they could do it on the PC or Mac.

We should point out that Microsoft does have a similar app for controlling PowerPoint on Mac or PC from Windows Phone and Android. Furthermore, in the past Apple has demoed a similar app for its own PowerPoint competing product, Keynote.

We suspect in the months to come, the Cupertino giant will make it possible for users to control Keynote presentations via their wrist on a Mac, so Microsoft needs to push forward this functionality before Apple becomes the first to do it.

App Description:

PowerPoint Remote for Apple Watch: control your slide show on iPhone with a beautifully simple app.

  • Start your slide show and easily navigate to the next and previous slides.
  • At a glance, see the elapsed time, the current slide number and total number of slides.

With the Apple Watch finally kicking the market into high gear, we hope to see a smartwatch product from the software giant in the near future, something that is more than the Band.


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