Microsoft has announced a newer design for Microsoft To-Do applications on Android and iOS. This update aims to make the application more personal. Microsoft acquired Wunderlist a few years ago and launched Microsoft To-Do with better capabilities. The main challenge in front of the development team was to migrate its backend from Amazon’s AWS to the inhouse Microsoft Azure.  With some rigorous work in the background, this was made possible.

Microsoft To Do gets a major update; comes with a new design

Microsoft To-Do gets a major update

The first notable change that Microsoft made is the reduction of the header size and the addition of more colors. This gives the application some warmth and personalization options. Microsoft has also added some new backgrounds. These backgrounds include the famous Berlin TV tower that existed on the old Wunderlist application.

Not only this, you can customize the background for every separate list. Also, the Dark mode is already available for the Android, Windows 10 and Mac applications and will be soon coming to the iOS application.

Microsoft is allowing you to enable MFA or Multi-Factor Authentication to ensure that your lists are secured.

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With the power of Microsoft Azure and Microsoft’s expertise in cross-platform syncing, your lists will be available on all your devices irrespective of what operating system you are using. The only this to keep in mind is that the user is logged in with a common Microsoft account across the devices.

The app is tightly integrated with Microsoft Launcher, and Cortana integration is available in countries like Australia, India, United States of America and the United Kingdom. However, you need to set Cortana’s speech to US English only to make use of this feature.

Give Microsoft To-Do a try to make use of these amazing features.

Microsoft To Do gets a major update; comes with a new design


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