Are you looking for a good enough Web Filter and DNS tool? Then NxFilter might be the thing for you. This free software also allows for easy monitoring of the Internet on your home network. To make things even better, the tool can block Botnet and malware using DNS inspection.

Yes, many of the new routers incorporate an ability to protect against incoming attacks via a firewall, among other things. However, these filters are generally limited, and thus, are not good enough for extreme cases, which is why a tool designed for these type of things are needed. The freeware even provides a complete log of everything that passes through the browser, which may come in handy should an attack occur.


NxFilter review

As soon we got NxFilter installed, up and running, we could access its primary user interface via all web browsers we’ve tested it with. The web browser user interface allowed us to monitor our web activity in real-time, and we found it kind of cool. At the end of the day, though, we just wished we didn’t have to use the web browser to gain access to what NxFilter has to offer.


We could also make a variety of configurations with this app by playing around with the buttons at the top of the user interface. We can set the app to send automatic e-mails at certain intervals depending on the alert. It is an excellent feature because it could alert users whenever someone attacks the network or even the computer itself.

There’s a history section here, and it gives us the ability to view web pages visited by anyone on the network. It should be great for parents who want to monitor their children online. After all, no parent wants their child to venture through the many dark areas of the Internet.

It didn’t take long for us to block certain websites that are known for malware and ones we suspect. The app can also block DNS programs, so we can already say it is multipurpose and excellent at everything it sets out to do.

Overall, we have been delighted with NxFilter since using it for the past couple of days. We should point out that Java is required for the app to work. Furthermore, the username and password to log in to the service are “admin” and “admin”.

Download NxFilter from the official website right here.
