Your internet connection is important in more ways than one, which means you should monitor it to determine if others are on your network eating up precious bandwidth. With that in mind, we’ve decided to take a close look at a program known as OverSite, and from our test so far, it works quite well in almost all cases. Not only will this tool monitor your network, but it also has the ability to monitor websites as well. Yes, it’s a multipurpose tool with a lot of uses, and as such, we recommend folks to take advantage of what it has to offer.

Monitor internet connection and websites

We can say for certain that this is a great tool for telling if your website or other third-party’s website, has gone down. All website owners will agree that downtime is a major problem, and as such, folks should do whatever it takes to keep it under control.

How to use OverSite for Windows PC

Using this tool is very easy since there’s nothing much to learn. To be completely honest, there are better programs out there, but we like OverSite due to its ease of use and overall simplicity.

1] Add Watcher

Monitor your internet connection and websites with OverSite

OK, so a watcher is basically a list of all the sites you want to monitor. Users can create multiple watchers from what we can tell. They can be used as categories or whatever the user wants them to be.

Now, to create a watcher, click on the Add Watcher button, type the name, add the number of required sites needed, then hit the OK button to move forward.

2] Add Site

After adding a watcher, its now time to add websites. Doing this is very easy and almost the same as adding a watcher. So here’s the thing one needs to click on Add Site to open a small window.

Next step requires the adding of the URL. You see, when adding a URL, it needs to begin with www instead of HTTP or https. Once you’ve added the website, hit the Ping Test button then click on OK.

Do the same for all other websites you want to add, and everything should be quite fine.

3] Settings

There’s not much for users to do where the Settings area is concerned. Folks can change the font size, and disable or enable certain options if they have become too intrusive.

In terms of the history log, well, it is exactly what you expect it to be. It shows a history of everything you’ve done. For example, if the user creates five Watchers and adds 10 websites, the history long will make a note of this.

Logs can be exported by clicking on the button that says “Explore Logs”. Clearly, it’s a type because it should have said Export Logs, but we’re not angry.

Other features of this Internet connection and website monitor software

  1. You can select a site and edit settings for that site. This is helpful if you need to correct the site address, set the timeout in seconds (1-30), use the ping test, etc.
  2. Enable and set the notify rules for a site. You can get notified if the site is down for at least 1 minute, 2 minutes, etc., play a sound for notification, send an email, and more
  3. Remove a site from the monitoring list, etc.

Download this tool from the official website.

How do I monitor my Internet connection stability?

To monitor the internet connection stability on a Windows 11/10 PC, first, open the Command Prompt window. After that, use the ping test for a DNS server. For example, you can run the ping test with the command ping -test (for the Google DNS server). Alternatively, you can also use some third-party internet connection monitoring tools for this purpose.

How do I monitor browsing on my network?

If you want to monitor websites or domains that visited your Wi-Fi network, then you should check the router log for visiting history where you can see information like domain name, status, etc. You can also use some best free network monitoring tools for Windows PC (like Wireshark, OpenDNS, etc.) to see what people are browsing on your network.

Hope it helps.
