Malware and ransomware mostly find their way to our machine via email. After a little work to fix the problem we dismiss it just as an attempt to access data. In reality, the situation is more worrisome. It is more than just a security threat especially with the surfacing of a new variant of ransomware targeting Office 365.

New ransomware

New ransomware targets Office 365 users

Most recent findings reveal many Australians are at risk with a new malware targeting Office 365. A leading cyber security company Check Point has alerted users that the “Zero-day” malware has widely spread across Office 365 — including most used applications like Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and others.

It has been noted that cyber criminals were targeting innocent victims by asking them to open an invoice sent by email. The emails are sent to Office 365 users via Outlook as an invoice in the form of an Office document.

When opened the user invites trouble. A message flashes on the computer screen notifying users that the document was created with a previous version of the software, so they need to click something to enable the content. Clicking action activates ransomware which encrypts all files and demands a ransom in exchange for unlocking the files.

This unfortunate event can be avoided by simply closing the document and deleting the email if a user has accidentally opened it.

Cyber criminals demand payment in Australian dollars. The users should not oblige the cyber criminals under any circumstances to encourage them further. Instead, it is advisable to get an advice of an expert on the issue.

The best practice to follow at all times is to keep a regular backup in place and store it offline. After all, prevention of Ransomware is the best protection!



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