Instagram has taken the official line to respond against an earlier report that it had lost 25% of active users over Christmas, terming this report as ‘inaccurate’.


The reports were alive after AppData, a portal which displays analytic results of popular social media properties for various platforms showed a sharp decline in the number of active Instagram users on Christmas day.

However, the AppData analytic results are a result of Facebook login tracking and since Instagram photos are widely shared over other social media platforms too and not just Facebook, this report doesn’t have much weight. The official spokesperson added the full stop here:

“This data is inaccurate. We continue to see strong and steady growth in both registered and active users of Instagram.”

A popular belief for this happening was the sudden change in Instagram’s terms of service where a harsh tone was adopted against users and it was clearly spelled out that all uploaded photos are an intellectual property of Instagram and it possesses the right to ‘sell them off to potential businesses’.

But Instagram later to chose to tread the soft path and back-tracked its statement by modifying the terms of service followed by a lengthy assurance by its co-founder. A little damage was nonetheless done with the sudden increase in interest for Instagram alternatives and the well shrouded fear over uploading personal photographs through the service.

Hope you don’t mess it up next time, Instagram.


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