Outlook Customer Manager launched last November is now being rolled out worldwide with enhanced capabilities. After months of team work, team Outlook is finally releasing it for iOS and Outlook on the web. Outlook team made this announcement via official Office blog.

Outlook Customer Manager

Outlook Customer Manager

Outlook Customer Manager, the service works within Outlook and helps you to stay up-to-date with all your business dealings with your customers. You can track your customer communication history and maintain your customer relationships effectively. Once you get an access to the service, you can start creating contacts, companies, and deals. You can manage all your business activities like your business meetings and phone calls.

The blog post says,

“Today, we are pleased to announce the Outlook Customer Manager is now rolling out to all Office 365 Business Premium subscribers worldwide and is also now available for Outlook on the web and Outlook for iOS. In addition, we’ve enhanced the Outlook Customer Manager to help you manage customer relationships more effectively, including intelligent reminders and integration with Bing, Cortana, and Microsoft Flow”.

Outlook Customer Manager now comes with some enhanced capabilities which include-

  • Automatic reminders for inquiry emails from customer
  • Auto-fill customer business information
  • Cortana assisting you to schedule your business meetings with customers
  • Microsoft Flow helps you manage customer information

Vivek Kumar, the product marketing manager for the Outlook team, also talks about the Outlook Customer Manager add-in which gives you a quick look at your customer’s details or the business deal in progress. If you are using Outlook on the web, you can get all your customer details, meeting and calls information, deals, and deadlines by clicking on the Outlook Customer Manager icon.

Watch the video to know more about Outlook Customer Manager.

[wpcc-iframe title=”Outlook Customer Manager – How to get started” width=”728″ height=”410″ class=”ezlazyload” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share” allowfullscreen=”” srcdoc=”

Microsoft has already started rolling out the Outlook Customer Manager to Office 365 Business Premium customers worldwide. You will get to see the small icon on your home tab in Outlook for Windows when you’ll receive the service. Team Outlook will also be releasing the standalone mobile app for the Outlook Customer Manager in the iOS App Store in coming weeks.

Outlook Customer Manager


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