A desktop full of shortcuts looks dirty. Doesn’t it? If your desktop is full of shortcuts, but you cannot delete them because of their regular requirement, we have a solution for you. PopSel is an excellent popup menu launcher freeware. Using it, you can create custom menus, add shortcuts to different software, files, and URLs. It has a user-friendly interface. Hence, you will not face any difficulty in using it. The best part of this software is that it is portable, which means you need not install it on your Windows 11/10 PC.

How to use PopSel Menu Launcher

PopSel offers simple pop-up menus to launch programs, documents, weblinks, Explorer windows, batch scripts and more.

When you download the software from its official website, you will get a zip file. Extract it by pressing the right mouse click. Now, open the folder. There you will find PopSel “Application” file. You have to double-click on that file and select “Create new menu” to launch it.

PopSel A Popup Menu Launcher Software for Windows 1

You will get the following interface. The left panel will initially be empty. The shortcuts that you add to the software will be displayed here.

PopSel A Popup Menu Launcher Software for Windows 2

To add a shortcut of software or file, click on the “New Item” button, then click on the “Folder” icon on the right side of the “Menu Item” box. Now, click on the “Browse” button and select the file or software and click on OK.

PopSel A Popup Menu Launcher Software for Windows 3

Alternatively, you can also add shortcuts to the software by the drag and drop method. Isn’t it the quickest method? You can also create different categories like web browsers, websites, etc. For your convenience, we are listing here the steps of creating categories and subcategories.

1] Suppose you want to create a category of web browsers. For this, add all the web browsers in the software by drag and drop method.

PopSel A Popup Menu Launcher Software for Windows 4

2] Select a web browser and enable “in submenu” by clicking on the respective box. To make it a subcategory of web browsers, delete three “question marks” and write Web Browsers. Please do not delete the “/” symbol. When done, click on “OK.” Click on the “Apply” button to save the settings.

PopSel A Popup Menu Launcher Software for Windows 5

3] Follow the above step to add other web browsers in the same category.

PopSel A Popup Menu Launcher Software for Windows 6

You can also add a “Separator” to separate different categories. If you click the “T” button, the PropSel configuration window will remain on top of all other software running on your system. To disable this setting, click on the “T” button again.

Steps to add a website address:

  1. Click on the “New Item” button.
  2. Write the website name in the “Menu Item” box.
  3. Copy and paste the website address in the “Command” box.
  4. Click on the “OK” and “Apply” buttons.

PopSel A Popup Menu Launcher Software for Windows 7

You can also set an app to run as administrator, in a minimized window, maximized window, or normal. These features are available in the “Run” drop-down menu. By using the arrow keys, you can reorder the items added to the list.

PopSel A Popup Menu Launcher Software for Windows 8

When you complete the configuration, click on the “Apply” button to save the settings and close the software. Now, Double click on the “Application” and select the software, file, or website you want to launch.

PopSel A Popup Menu Launcher Software for Windows 9

If you want to relaunch the PopSel for further configuration, you have to triple-click on it and select “PopSel Configuration.”

PopSel A Popup Menu Launcher Software for Windows 10

We hope you liked the freeware. You can download it from horstmuc.de.

You can share your views about PopSel in the comments section.

This post talks about some more Desktop Application Launchers.

PopSel A Popup Menu Launcher Software for Windows 8
