System PreferencesSystem Preferences

If you want to quickly access the Mac OS X System Preferences, you can do so with an indirect keyboard shortcut trick by holding down the Option key and then hitting various function keys. This jumps directly to the System Preference panel corresponding to the function key.

For example, Option+Brightness pulls up the Display preference pane, Option+Expose brings up the Mission Control / Expose preferences, Option+Volume controls bring up the Sound preferences, and so on.

These are the function keys we’re talking about here, they’re across the top row of modern Mac keyboards including portable Macs and external Apple keyboards. Pressed in conjunction with the “Option” (alt) key on the keyboard will launch into the relevant system preference panel:

quick system preferences option key macbookquick system preferences option key macbook

This should work on any MacBook or MacBook Pro, as well as the external wireless keyboards from Apple, and probably any other Mac hooked up to a newer Apple keyboard too. On the other hand, I tried this on an much older iMac keyboard and the results were a no-go, so I assume you’ll need a keyboard with the defined system functions on the F keys otherwise the standard F keys on older keyboards remain unresponsive.

The tip comes from LifeHacker, and you can find tons of other Mac tips and tricks if you’re up for learning some new stuff.


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