Mail app iconMail app icon Do you miss the way Mail used to look, when you used to be able to see many more email messages all at once from the primary screen without scrolling around? As you probably know, received a pretty significant makeover in Mac OS X Lion and that new default layout has stuck around in all versions of OS X ever since Mavericks and Yosemite included.

If you’re not a fan of the revised layout of Mail app, you can easily revert back to the classic Mail appearances original UI by doing the following.

  1. Open Mail app if you haven’t done so yet
  2. Go to Preferences (from the Mail menu, or hit Command+, to open it instantly)
  3. Click on the “Viewing” tab and choose “Use classic layout” so that it’s checked

The interface change for your mailbox appearance is instant.

Use the classic Mail layout in Mac OS X Mail appUse the classic Mail layout in Mac OS X Mail app

Above is what the setting looks like in modern versions of OS X like 10.10.x onward, and here’s how the setting looks in Mail app for OS X Mavericks, Mountain Lion:

Get the old Mail layout back in Mac OS XGet the old Mail layout back in Mac OS X

That’s it! The switch is immediate, and you’re back to the way Mail looked in Snow Leopard and before, which keeps the message list on top of the mail message, and also displays about 3x more messages per screen without scrolling around.

That “classic” layout won’t show a message subject preview, but it does still show the sender, the subject, and the time stamp, and if you’re using VIP it will of course point out VIP senders as well.

Thanks to Jim for sending this in!


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