What’s the hardest thing about SkyDriving? Securing a Copyright! Yes, Redmond locked horns with Murdoch but unfortunately lost to him. Even 100 GB of free space failed to appease the Australian American business magnate. What transpired next was the change in name of the famous cloud storage service – SkyDrive to OneDrive.

SadSkyDrive sulks


The service that that made Office documents fly out of your phone and hit your synced devices and perform stunning acrobatics from saving your public flickr photos, foursquare check-ins to Facebook photo uploads and syncing with other cloud staorage services like DropBox was renamed to OneDrive in the instance.

The big bosses sent over new name after reaching a court settlement with British Sky Broadcasting Group, which contended that the name “SkyDrive” infringed on the British company’s “Sky” trademark of British TV broadcaster BSkyB.

Suggestions ranging from Microsoft Cloud Storage R2 to Microsoft Azure Web Storage were considered. Even Zune Drive and NewDrive were running for the new title. Twitterattis too jumped the barricades to find some possible replacement names: SkyDie being one of them.

Microsoft, earlier this week reminded users that it would be rebranding SkyDrive, its personal cloud storage service.

Chris Jones, Corporate Vice President of Windows Services at Microsoft, notes in a new post on the official OneDrive blog:

Today we are thrilled to announce the global availability of OneDrive. For our existing SkyDrive customers, you are all set; your files are ready in the new OneDrive experience. All you have to do is head over to www.OneDrive.com and log in. For those of you hearing about the service for the first time, OneDrive gives you one place for all of your files, including photos, videos, and documents, and it’s available across the devices you use every day.

You can find an official parody account SadSkyDrive dedicated to the last days of the SkyDrive name. Some of Sad comments expressing grief verbally

I will always be SkyDrive 🙁

I will miss you guys storing your photos in me 🙁

Introducing TwoDrive. My new name 🙁

I am gonna rename myself OldDrive 🙁

OMG I have a new name 🙁

Rest in peace SkyDrive – OneDrive is here!



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