Mission Control in Mac OS X groups together thumbnail previews of windows from the same app. By hovering the mouse cursor over a cluster of these thumbnails and scrolling up on a multitouch trackpad or Magic Mouse (or scrolling up the mouse wheel with other mice), you can cause the cluster to expand, showing more detail in those behind the main window. Give it a try now—it’s pretty useful.
This trick can be enhanced with a small tweak to a hidden system setting. To make clustered windows expand to full size so you can see their contents rather than merely slightly larger than they normally are, open a Terminal window and type the following:
defaults write com.apple.dock expose-cluster-scale -float 1;killall Dock
The changes take effect immediately. A variation of this tweak is to substitute a value of 0.6 rather than 1 in the line above. This will cause the windows to expand to a larger size than the default but not to 100 percent of their normal dimensions.
To undo the tweak at a later date, open a Terminal window and type the following:
defaults delete com.apple.dock expose-cluster-scale;killall Dock
Like this tip? Don’t miss our other Mission Control tricks.
This is another great tip from Keir Thomas, author of the new book Mac Kung Fu, which contains over 300 tips, tricks, hints and hacks for Mac OS X Lion
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