sync Google Calendar to iCalsync Google Calendar to iCal

I use Google Calendar for a myriad of reasons but since it picks up dates easily from Gmail it’s especially useful for me. Yet, somehow I never thought to sync it with iCal. If you use Google Calendar, why not sync it to your Mac? Setting this up is very simple:

  • Launch iCal
  • Open iCal Preferences from the iCal menu
  • Click the Accounts button
  • Click on the + icon in the lower left corner of the window to add an account
  • Enter your Google credentials and click on Create

You can keep the import settings on Automatic, although setting to Google seems to speed up the first time the calendars are synced. iCal will contact Google for you and grab all the information, there’s nothing else to do.

Now you can add events from iCal and the Mail app on your Mac, or Gmail and Google Calendar from anywhere else, and you’ll always have the same date and event information regardless of where or what you’re checking your calendar from. Don’t forget that you can add Google Calendar support to your iPhone or iPad too.


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