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16 Articles
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Nerdy Geeky

Laptop computers are getting smaller and more advanced every day. Fortunately, prices have been coming down as well. While that is great news for consumers, it doesn’t change the fact that for most shoppers, a new laptop represents a large purchase – and most large purchases are made on a strict budget. Fortunately, it’s fairly simple to get the most bang for your buck while making sure that your new laptop has all the features that you need and doesn’t become quickly outdate…

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With an extensive variety of laptops, or notebooks, available on the market today, it is extremely difficult for some people to conclude on purchasing the one that is most convenient for their needs. Different computer features offer potential laptop users a vast world of technology based ideas to accomplish a given task. From copying a CD-Rom data to writing your own code, laptops can be used as desktops, adding effectiveness and efficiency to their small easy-to-carry size….

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Nerdy Geeky

There has been a long standing debate as to whether Mac laptops are better than PCs. Owners of Mac laptops say yes. Many owners of other brands hate Mac laptops and vehemently say no. Let’s compare the Apple powerbook to other brands based on a set of features.


Powerbooks are now capable of using the same Intel processors as other laptops, so processor speed isn’t really an issue anymore.

Operating system:

This is probably the area with the most intens…