Telegram has introduced Voice Chats to group messages. The feature would be brought to Telegram clients through the 12th update the company has released in 2020. Voice Chats are designed to work with the other communication features such as text and media transfer, but without interfering with how people text.

Telegram Voice Chat

Telegram Voice Chats

Telegram notes that Voice Chats are different from group voice calls in that the former does not require your constant attention. That is, users will be able to send and receive voice chats to groups as they please. At all times, there will be a way to understand who is speaking and who is listening.

This feature does not interrupt the standard communication methods in a Telegram group. Of course, you would see a notification when someone starts a Voice Chat, but that’s it. Then, it’s entirely up to you to join or ignore the said Voice Chat.

This feature makes it easier for customers to know who is speaking at the moment. This way, you may choose to join the Voice Chat only when your friend joins the chat. Telegram has also introduced a floating-type button to keep track of the voice chat.

Telegram adds that it has introduced some of the brand-new designs and animations with this update and assures that users would love the new interface. According to Telegram, the Voice Chats feature would transform the way people communicate through Telegram groups.

Telegram also added that the IM platform would receive more features like video calling and screen sharing in the coming weeks. In the same update, Telegram has also introduced some more features such as push-to-talk shortcuts, sticker outlines, SD card storage options, editing improvements, and the support for more animated emojis. The new emojis look fantastic, to begin with.

Since its inception, people have chosen Telegram as a privacy-friendly alternative to popular IM services like WhatsApp and Messenger. In its defense, Telegram had introduced many advanced features even before the likes of WhatsApp did.

Read: WhatsApp vs Telegram vs Signal vs Messenger.

Telegram Voice Chat


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