There was a time when TGDaily gave balanced views about technologies. But now all that seems to have been changed! TGDaily, a tech site apparently has a new staff writer that has been going off about  Microsoft in a very biased way!

His first article, Microsoft, no one wants your scrubby Windows Phone made statements like:

…the most shameless Microsoft fanboi is likely to think twice before taking the plunge into a dark world of endless mobile bloat…

… that is why Steve “Balmy” Ballmer reportedly decided that every one of Microsoft’s 90,000 employees was to be dutifully equipped with a Windows Phone – like it or not…

… Apple’s sleek and sexy iPhone is a hot item that consumers (fanbois and noobs) all over the world lust after in the worst possible way. It is doubtful that anyone could, or would be willing to say the same about Microsoft’s scrubby Windows Phone 7…

This elicited a strong response from some of its readers in its Comments section.

This has prompted the author to spew more venom in yet another masterpiece…and use the above image in it!

TG Daily overrun by rabid Microsoft fanbois. Now this one is a treat to read!

…we are also shocked at the sudden reappearance of the Microsoft fanboi, whom the industry has long classified as a dying, if not extinct species…

… you have to give the Redmond worshippers credit. Obviously, it isn’t easy defending a mercenary corporation whose primary claim to fame is a malware ridden, sub-par OS known as Windows…

… it must be even harder to get pumped up about an uber-lame mobile operating system that is clearly destined to lag far behind Android, iOS, BlackBerry and even webOS. So, in the spirit of brevity, we salute the Microsoft fanbois and all they stand for: clueless corporate greed, blue screens of death, misplaced loyalties, shoddy coding, a failed mobile track record and a really, really bad case of iOS envy …

Strange why TGDaily chose to publish such biased and virulent articles!

Is the objective as basic as trying to get more traffic / page views, more comments and more back-links?

After all any “noob” blogger knows that providing link-bait is a great way of generating all these three! But in the long run this doesn’t really help!

Tsk, tsk!


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