U can nao change ur language 2 lolcat in Twittr Settings! Don’t be surprised reading the above sentence or the title for spelling and grammar. That’s how Lolcat language is supposed to be. Often accompanied by a Cat photo and text in lolcat typed on it. Says Wikipedia – “A lolcat is an image combining a photograph of a cat with text intended to contribute humor. The text is often idiosyncratic and grammatically incorrect, and its use in this way is known as “lolspeak” or “kitty pidgin”
Twitter last week tweeted that it is now offering you the option to change your language to Lolcat.
And see what happens after changing that and Enjoy After sign-in to your twitter account, Click on the Gear icon >settings and go to language and from the list select Lolcat -LOLCATZ (beta) and click on ‘Save changes’.
After Saving changes, the lolcat message you get itself is funny –
here are some more of the changes you see as of now,even your twitter tab changes to Twittr –
Its in beta and further we might see more improvements. If you are fan of lolcat, or just for enjoyment, apply this change and enjoy!
Hope u liek it! KTHXBYE!
UPDATE 14/02/2013 : As of today, the option to choose Lolcat language is not present. It was in beta and maybe Twitter may bring it back later. No official information on it yet, as to why it was removed.
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