Microsoft is extending the support for Windows 10 v1809 till November, the life cycle for which was set to end on 12-05-2020.  It was released on 13-11-2018, and the end of support was set for 18 months lifecycle after it re-released on November 13, 2018. The official end of support is now extended by six months and now falls on November 10, 2020.

Windows 10 v1809 support extended till November 2020

Windows 10 v1809 support extended till November 2020

While it’s great that Microsoft has extended the support, do not expect new features. Microsoft has clearly said that it is only extending the security updates. So after May 12, all customers, including those using it in Business, will receive the security updates only. Here is the complete detail posted on Widnows message center.

We have been evaluating the public health situation and understand the impact this is having on many of our customers. To help ease some of the burdens customers are facing, we are going to delay the scheduled end of service date for the Home, Pro, Pro Education, Pro for Workstations, and IoT Core editions of Windows 10, version 1809 to November 10, 2020. This means devices will receive monthly security updates only from June to November. The final security update for these editions of Windows 10, version 1809 will be released on November 10, 2020 instead of May 12, 2020.

Microsoft took the same steps for Windows 10 version 1709 during the initial outbreak of COVID-19 as more people started working from home. Version 1709 is supported until October 13, 2020.

If the lockdown extends, it would be great for all consumers as the security updates will make sure the computer is safe from any vulnerability. It is important to note that while Home version gets support for 18 months, the business support extends for 30 months. The latter already has support for now with this home users are also covered.

If you are still on an earlier version of Windows, it’s a good time to move to 1809 with the extended support for six months.

Windows 10 v1809 support extended till November 2020


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